Your benefit

Fast and flexible in the field

Containers are the most important means of transportation for global trade. They enable the efficient and safe transportation of all kinds of goods over long distances. In order to make optimum use of the containers, they must also be handled, stored and distributed quickly and cost-effectively at their destinations. This is where Duisburg Gateway Terminal with its empty container storage comes into play. We offer a number of unique advantages for container storage, such as:

  • A large number of shippers within a 50km radius: the terminal is located in a densely populated and economically strong area, where many large industrial and commercial companies are located and whose empty container service we can efficiently ensure.
  • Our close connection to the road network: The terminal is located in the immediate vicinity of major highways and national roads, which allow trucks to arrive and depart quickly and flexibly. This reduces transport times and costs for shippers and container recipients.
  • Our water and rail infrastructure allows us to make the most of the advantages of intermodality and to receive empty containers from the seaport as well as loaded containers on the main leg.

Thanks to our shareholder structure consisting of several partners, we are perfectly equipped for rail and water transportation as well as connections to the western ports, to the south and towards the Silk Road with our own Europe-wide rail and inland waterway connections. With the necessary infrastructure, expertise and resources, we offer tailor-made solutions for container storage and its linking with upstream, main and downstream transportation.

Rail Handling
Heavy Metal

The Duisburg Gateway Terminal GmbH is a trimodal container terminal that offers excellent rail connections. We are able to handle up to six block trains with an effective length of 735 meters each in parallel. This corresponds to a total capacity of over 500 TEU.

In order to load and unload the trains efficiently, the terminal has two state-of-the-art rail cranes, which guarantee a high handling capacity and a low damage rate. The rail cranes are automated and equipped with a spreader that precisely grips and positions the containers using the soft landing method.

To analyze and ensure the quality and safety of incoming and outgoing containers, the terminal has OCR gates for train arrivals and departures. The OCR gates are equipped with cameras and sensors that automatically identify and check the containers. The OCR gates also record the position and sequence of the containers on the trains to enable optimal planning and control of handling and to ensure TSI/TAF compliance.

To promote the digitalization and transparency of container transport, the terminal has a highly automated Terminal Operating System (TOS) that manages all of the terminal's processes and data. The TOS is linked to all of the terminal's internal and external systems, such as the rail cranes, OCR gates, truck gates, barges, customers, shipping companies, railroad companies and authorities, enabling end-to-end communication and a smooth flow of information between all parties involved. The TOS also selects the optimal transshipment for each container based on factors such as availability, priority, cost and the environment.

In summary, the Duisburg Gateway Terminal offers an excellent rail connection that ensures high efficiency, quality and sustainability of container transportation.

Barge Handling
Plenty of waterfront space

The terminal has three RMG cranes (Rail Mounted Gantry Cranes), which ensure high handling capacity and flexibility. One of the cranes is specifically designed for handling barges, while the other two can be used for both trains and barges.

All cranes are equipped with an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) system that automatically identifies and checks the containers. The OCR system is also known as a "river gate", as it ensures the quality and safety of the containers at the interface between water and land.

The terminal has two quaysides, which can be used for unloading and loading several barges at the same time. For the temporary storage of loaded transport containers, we have a 65,000 square meter yard equipped with a state-of-the-art TOS with an automatic stacking system that sorts and stores containers according to size, weight, destination and priority.

In addition to a slot management system for trucks, the terminal also has a time slot management system for inland vessels. The slot management system is an online tool that simplifies and speeds up the registration, booking and invoicing of barges. It therefore enables better planning and coordination of barge handling and avoids waiting times and congestion.

Perfectly coordinated

With the setup and terminal concept described above, the Duisburg Gateway Terminal offers outstanding conditions for synchromodal handling. Synchromodality means that containers can be handled flexibly and just in time between different modes of transport (road, water and rail), depending on availability, costs and the environment, without compromising the quality or reliability of transportation, but on the contrary reducing costs and increasing quality.

The terminal has excellent connections to all three modes of transport, enabling a high frequency and capacity of trucks, barges and trains. The terminal also has a modern and efficient infrastructure and superstructure, ensuring efficient and safe handling and storage of containers. It is also controlled by a highly automated and networked Terminal Operating System (TOS), which manages all of the terminal's processes and data and enables optimum planning and control of handling.

The synchromodal handling capability offers many advantages for customers and the environment, such as

  • Better utilization of customers' assets: Customers can make optimal use of their trucks by delivering or collecting containers to and from the terminal according to demand and availability. They can also benefit from a slot management system that simplifies and speeds up the registration, booking and invoicing of trucks. This saves them time and money and increases service quality.
  • Relief for the public infrastructure by avoiding traffic jams: The terminal helps to reduce traffic congestion on the roads by controlling and sequencing arrivals at the terminal with precision and, if necessary, diverting them to a public alternative parking lot in the immediate vicinity of the terminal. This reduces the risk of traffic jams and accidents and improves traffic safety and fluidity.
  • Significantly reduced energy consumption and CO2 emissions: The terminal enables the low-barrier use of more environmentally friendly modes of transport such as water and rail, which have lower energy consumption and CO2 emissions per container than road transport. In addition, the optimized, sequenced and smoothed daily truck inflow and outflow avoids congestion and idle times on the road. This helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect the climate.